Saturday, 31 January 2015

Hillary Lee - What I learned from the course

There are lots of things I have learned in this course, both academic and personal. This is my second course in Tourism Studies department. I felt I was the least prepared person in the course, as everyone in the course were in School of Business and I was the only one from Columbian College of Arts of Sciences. They were all studying something in Business or Tourism Administration. Next my name was: Political Science. However, after eleven days in Bahamas I have learned so much. I learned about Importance Performance Analysis, Service Mapping, Marketing Analysis, and so on. They were all brand new topics for me, but I learned the importance and usefulness those tools contribute to management. Also, as someone who’s has taken business course before did not know how crucial customer experience is to businesses. I knew the general sense that it would be fairly important, but as I’ve never thought about it in business’ perspective I did not knew that such things as mystery shopping were conducted on rather regular basis.

Personally, I have learned that you can catch the flu in Bahamas. On more serious note, a lot can be achieved in eleven days. My experience in Bahamas opened up my cultural understandings. Even such short time abroad had a direct impact on me. I learned how important cultural understanding is and the importance of learning difference culture’s method of communication is something that I believe I will cherish the most from this experience in Bahamas.

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