Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Victoria Walls: What I learned from the course

One of the Main takeaways that I gained from this course is the different aspect of the customer experience. I have been a customer so many times everyday but never really realized how to evaluate that experience and see what went positively or negatively. There are often tools like surveys that allow customers to express their experiences but as we know, often times surveys are not the best indication of the customer experience because it is often not taken seriously or rushed through. Going to the restaurant and Junkanoo and evaluating both you are able to break down your experience into before during and after sections. You realize that there are important factors that happen in all three phases of the customers journey that contribute to the over all satisfaction or dissatisfaction of the customer. Especially for Junkanoo we learned a whole new way of customer experience that is different from sitting at a restaurant. Festival evaluation is interesting because the criteria relies heavily on enjoyment of the event rather than at a restaurant it is easier to evaluate more concrete factors. 

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